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31st Arrival
27 Feb 2025 9:44 am
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Sumela » 27 Feb 2025, 10:08 am » wrote: Trump could care less what she looks like. Its about 'more", not about 'quality'.  Empire Trumperton.
What does it take to bring down a multiverse of anything else is possible scenario other than the singularity of adapting forward now s speifically eternally separated here, native reproduction occupying space one of a kind since conceived by previous generation gaps evolved same way forward as you became a career denier of life in plain sight?

Understanding the simplicity to compounding chromosomes inhabiting space specifically here as one's own time adapting to the common situation life is never same details again so far.

Words are given a specific meaning by those using the vocabulary to control behavior tomorrow.

When does a tomorrow actually arrive for each specific ancestor living forward today?
1. today factually starts midnight to noon and yesterday ends noon to midnight same rotation of the planet never changing universal position so far.
2. today ends noon to midnight so tomorrow arrives midnight to noon where two factual days are present dawn to dusk each rotation here now?
3. 7 days a week 8 seasonal shifts a year same for seasons north and south of the equator regardless years are 365 or 366 days on a calendar of predetermined outcomes by rule of law.
4. Why can't everyone get along when everyone believes now isn't eternity and every ancestor alive is compromising the concept "Agree to disagree" life is self evident time simply adapting to the moment since replacing one's previous 4 generation gaps lived so far.

5. Are genetic outcomes actually eternally separated by personal chromosomes or some imaginary alternate reality present?
6. Nobody is right when everyone left alive doesn't accept their position as living eternally one of a kind each rotation alive since a fertilized cell.
7. sins working 7 virtue signaling life is larger than being alive 7 days a week.
8. 4 grandparents existed prior to 2 parents adding grandchildren evolving into 1 of 2 parents changing original grandparents into 8 specific great grandparents into each of their great great grandchildren born 4th generation after their birth included to numbers inhabiting space today.

What is relative time theory vs relative time adapting when alive today?
9th gate of eternal hell paved by greater good tomorrows don't arrive by flowchart dates pretending now isn't eternity so far.

0-9 is 10 steps of eternally separated in plain sight native to this universal position relative to personal location in this atmosphere fertilized cell to decomposed corpse.

When does character role playing get larger than time alive now? New World Order semantics since dawn of civilization corrupting each great great grandchild history typecast on purpose by those in the chain of command working economics cradle to grave now.

Secrets kept by those promising better tomorrows regardless serving God or country, Satan or social consensus daily.
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